• Be well rested before setting sail. Missing sleep and feeling exhausted make you more susceptible to factors that can cause motion sickness. Wind down before your trip.
  • Take antiemetic drugs. A variety of medications are available to help prevent or treat motion sickness. Medicines for nausea are called antiemetic drugs.Talk to you doctor about which medications are best for you, as you may be limited by other medications you are taking. Antihistamines can cause drowsiness and dry mouth and eyes.
  • Get fresh air. If you are feeling seasick, it is often helpful to go out on an open deck or balcony and look toward the horizon. Doing so helps your eyes “see” the motion, which will then send signals to the brain more in alignment with what the inner ear is “telling” the brain, Bradberry says.
  • Request a cabin mid ship and near the water line. “The side-to-side sway and the up and down ‘seesaw’ pitch motion of the ship is minimized in the middle of the boat,” Bradberry says.
  • Have a bite. The best foods are light and bland, such as saltine crackers, plain bread, or pretzels. Having some food in your stomach is better than having an empty stomach, but be careful not to eat too much.
  • Wear an acupressure wristband. These wristbands apply pressure to a point on the wrist, generally where you wear a watch. Many people find the pressure helps them avoid nausea, one of the symptoms of motion sickness.
  • Avoid stimuli that can trigger nausea. “Nausea is a hallmark of seasickness. Any stimulus that triggers nausea can aggravate seasickness symptoms,” Bradberry says. Triggers include eating greasy foods, spicy foods, acidic foods such as citrus fruits and juices, and large meals.
  • Choose your itinerary carefully. If you know that you get motion sickness, you should probably only sail on larger ships and select itineraries that go through calmer bodies of water.

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via Easy Ways to Keep From Getting Seasick

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